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Discipline vs Punishment

Discipline vs Punishment Good behavior is a learning process for children, and we are their roadmap. Children usually behave per their own emotions and impulses. At the same time, being a parent is also a learning process and sometimes we rely on our own emotions and impulses to teach. Usually, that means we divert directly to punishments when a child misbehaves,   missing a crucial opportunity to teach them . With that said, let’s break down how to teach good behavior through discipline vs. punishment. Let’s compare the two words and what they really mean: Punishment  – means to inflict pain or suffering as a penalty. Discipline  – means to teach. It’s understandable that we as parents can get very frustrated when a child misbehaves, specifically when they make the same poor behavior choices over and over. At the same time, if we have clear goals to teach good behavior skills, then we can respond better. The better we respond, the better the results. WHAT ARE O...

Whole-Brain Parenting : Engaging the Brain for Optimal Development

  Whole-Brain Parenting Engaging the Brain for Optimal Development     On any given day, we may experience moments of high emotion in reaction to an event, or we find ourselves trying to control everyone and everything around us. Either way, our mental well-being is in danger, especially if we find ourselves stuck in either scenario for long. It can be difficult for children   to get unstuck without some help from a parent or other adult. To give children the support they need when faced with this, parents must have a basic understanding of their child’s brain development. By incorporating this knowledge into interactions, parents can support children in learning and growing through a whole-brain approach.   To help us get a clear understanding of how these two extreme reactions can present in children,” Dr. Daniel Siegel and Dr. Tina Payne Bryson created the concept of the “river of well-being” in the book “The Whole-Brain Child.” Along the river...

Child Development Centers: Give Your Child an Edge

  Child Development Centers Give Your Child an Edge     Programs for children are all around us. From day care centers to recreational sports and everything in between, options for parents   to choose from are abounding. And although parents want what is best for their children, they often aren’t aware of the notable distinctions between the programs they are considering. To get the most out of any program, however, parents need to select one that is a “child development center.” These programs implement new, cutting-edge approaches that boost development in children. By making this choice, parents can be confident   that they are giving their child a solid foundation for future success.   The best way for parents to start finding a top-notch child development program is to look at the curriculum. A developmentally appropriate, well-structured program that implements a detailed curriculum is essential. The curriculum should focus on the four are...

Empowering vs Enabling – The Fine Line of Parenting

  Empowering vs Enabling – The Fine Line of Parenting   We live in a competitive world and most parents would jump at the chance to give their child every advantage imaginable. The world can also be unkind and, as parents, we feel a need to protect our children from everything possible. And yes, parents are supposed to help and protect their children but when does supporting children turn into overhelping? The difference between the two is a very fine line and is often very difficult to decipher.   Responsible parenting means proving food, clothing, and shelter, giving attention and love, and protecting our children from danger. It does not mean doing everything for them and protecting them from anything that may bring them grief. This type of parenting is excessive and can develop due to a parent’s fear, anxiety, or peer pressure from other parents. It can also be a way that parents overcompensate for the difficult childhood they experienced. Whatever the case, a...

What To Expect From Your New Ninja (Warrior)

  What To Expect From Your New Warrior   Martial arts has a well-known benefit of helping children develop physical skills and improve in discipline. For this reason, parents often enroll their children in some type of martial arts in order to achieve goals such as these. And while attaining these goals are possible, parents often have unrealistic expectations of the time it actually takes for children to get there.   Of course, age, stage of development, as well as a myriad of other things go into exactly how quickly a specific child will accomplish a certain goal. But there is one thing is the same across the board. When children start martial arts, it is important for parents to remember that their child is starting a new sport, with new people, in a new environment, and learning new information. This would be a bit overwhelming for anyone. Certainly, older children may handle this pressure a little better, but parents should expect a certain amount of adjustme...

Age-Specific Curriculum : What It Really Means

  Age-Specific Curriculum What It Really Means   The term “age-specific” is used very often in education and healthcare. It has a very definite meaning and is used to describe things that are prepared specifically for the age of the child it is targeting. However, this term is often used more loosely, especially in the martial arts world, when referring to “age-specific classes.”   Many martial arts schools define their “age-specific” classes as children being divided up into classes by their age. And while this is very important, the actual curriculum being taught and the way it is taught, is the same across the board. That is like teaching math the same way to a 5-year-old as you do to a 10-year-old. Doing this creates frustration for the student and the teacher. Anything we teach should be done according to the child’s age and their stage of development.   To alleviate the dissatisfaction in children’s martial arts classes, the SKILLZ program was de...

Parent SKILLZ - Attunement

  Attunement Do you ever feel like you can read your child’s mind?   You know what they are going to do or say next because they have had the same reaction before?   This is attunement.   Improving your attunement skills will allow you to create a more patient and understanding relationship with your child.                         1.       Modify Your Child’s Behavior: Be attuned to your child’s anxieties and try a creative approach that allows them to focus on positive behaviors and interactions instead of their anxieties or stresses.   If you are attuned to the fact that your child has anxiety about going to school in the morning, for instance, help them relieve their stress by adding some interactive play time with them before school.   This will boost their endorphins, so they feel good and less stressed.   Allowing them to run...

Warrior Kids - Little Warrior (Ages 7-9)

Working on speed kicks with our little warriors (Ages 7-9) at this age they are working on Control, Coordination, Balance & Fitness in their Physical stage of development. This also teaches some advanced stages of development and allows the students to excel and grow! With our lesson on Integrity we add Intellectual, Emotional and Social stages of development.