Thursday, October 26, 2023

Why Your Child Shouldn’t Skip Martial Arts Classes During the Holidays

Why Your Child Shouldn’t Skip Martial Arts Classes 

During the Holidays

As the holiday season approaches, many parents find themselves conflicted over a familiar dilemma. The bustling holiday schedule filled with family gatherings, travel, shopping, baking, and parties often leads parents to consider temporarily pulling their kids out of extracurricular activities, including martial arts classes. 

While this impulse is completely understandable given the busyness and chaos that can accompany the holidays, I encourage you as a child development expert to pause and reconsider before making that decision when it comes to your child’s martial arts classes. 

Here are several compelling reasons why consistency with martial arts during the holidays can provide important benefits for your child's development and wellbeing:

First and foremost, consistency is absolutely key when it comes to mastery in martial arts. By attending classes regularly, your child reinforces the physical and mental skills they have worked hard to build over time. Martial arts is a cumulative journey, each class building upon the last. Pulling them out of classes means disrupting this sequenced learning as well as their habit of discipline. 

Additionally, children thrive on routine and structure. Martial arts classes offer a sense of regularity amidst the often hectic and unpredictable holiday season. Sticking to their regular class schedule provides stability and predictability that is beneficial for their sense of security and overall wellbeing.

The holidays often involve more indulgent foods and sedentary activities. Maintaining their typical martial arts schedule ensures your child stays physically active and fit during this period of excess. The mental focus and physical exertion of class provides balance to holiday indulgences.

Just as importantly, martial arts imparts crucial lessons in emotional regulation and resilience. The mental discipline of classes teaches kids to manage stress, build confidence, and develop emotional intelligence. These skills become even more vital during the holidays when emotions and family tensions can run high.

The social bonds kids form with peers and instructors in class is another key developmental benefit. Skipping martial arts during the holidays can leave kids feeling isolated. Attending classes allows them to stay connected to their community and friendships when school is closed.

Furthermore, martial arts cultivates a mindset of continuous self-improvement. Encouraging your child to progress towards their next belt or skill level during the holidays reinforces grit and goal-setting. Achieving a tangible goal bolsters their self-confidence during this emotionally charged season.

For many kids, the holidays can be accompanied by increased anxiety and family tensions. Martial arts classes serve as a healthy outlet for managing these heightened stresses. The physical and mental discipline provide a productive channel for kids to release pent-up frustrations or anxieties.

Finally, martial arts teaches lessons that extend far beyond the dojang. The holiday period presents unique opportunities for your child to apply and grow those lessons in real-world scenarios – from managing emotions during family gatherings to maintaining self-discipline around holiday treats. Facing ‘real-life’ challenges allows kids to integrate martial arts principles into their daily lives.

In summary, pausing your child’s martial arts training during the hectic holiday season may seem prudent, but maintaining consistency in their schedule can impart developmental benefits that extend beyond just their physical skills. The routine, emotional regulation, social bonds, self-confidence and mental resilience cultivated in class becomes even more crucial during the holidays. Check with your martial arts school about options for more flexible scheduling over the holidays if needed. But if possible, keep your child’s training uninterrupted so they can continue progressing and harnessing martial arts’ lessons during this vitally formative time of year.