Thursday, March 28, 2024

Peak Performance Aging: A 6-Week Journey to Thriving Later


Peak Performance Aging: A 6-Week Journey to Thriving Later


Embark on a transformative journey towards peak performance aging! This 6-week course, delivered in bite-sized weekly modules, has equipped you with knowledge, tools, and inspiration to optimize your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Each module focused on a key aspect of peak performance aging, culminating in a thought-provoking question to ponder and integrate into your life.


Week 1: Reframing Aging – Shattering Stereotypes, Embracing Possibilities

  • Thought to ponder: What limiting belief about aging are you ready to challenge this week?

Week 2: The Power of Mindset – Cultivating Growth for Lifelong Potential

  • Thought to ponder: How can you reframe a recent challenge with a growth mindset perspective?

Week 3: Flow and Focus – Unlocking Peak Performance States

  • Thought to ponder: What activity brings you into a state of flow, and how can you incorporate it more into your life?

Week 4: Move Your Body, Nourish Your Mind – Optimizing Physical and Mental Health

  • Thought to ponder: What small change can you make to your diet or exercise routine this week to boost your well-being?

Week 5: The Social Connection – Building Meaningful Relationships for a Fulfilling Life

  • Thought to ponder: Who is one person you can reach out to this week to strengthen your social connection?

Week 6: Lifelong Learning – Fueling Curiosity and Embracing New Challenges

  • Thought to ponder: What new skill or knowledge are you curious to explore, and what step can you take towards it this week?